Thursday, 29 August 2013

14 Ways to Keep Romance Alive

Did you know that August is Romance Awareness Month? It's actually pretty easy to remember since Mother Nature drops a not-so-subtle hint by turning up the heat outside. For married couples, at the top of the list for reasons for divorce are things like money issues, infidelity, sexual problems, and boredom. In today’s climate of infidelity, couples have to realize that love is not the only key to a successful marriage. There are a number of things to remember and romance is just one of them.

Take time out and think about what you may or may not be doing and begin to heat things up in your everyday life with your sweetie. Here are 14 tips to keep you busy and satisfied for August Romance Awareness Month and beyond.

1. A romantic bed picnic. Reconnect! Stop by your local grocer and pick up chopped fruit, chocolate sauce or chocolate bars to put in a melting pot for dipping. You can also pick up your favorite cheese and crackers—it’s brie for me please! Once you get home, now you are ready to set the mood in your room. Light candles, load up the CD or Mp3 player with some great jazz or your favorite love songs, and spread out a blanket on the bed. Spend the evening simply talking like you may not have in a long time.

2. Speak love for 30 days. Send a different sexy, loving message each day. Mix it up, send a text one day and leave a voicemail message the next day.

3. Take a bubble bath together. Once a week take a romantic bubble bath together—pick a day and work it into your schedule. Light candles and sprinkle in rose petals for an added dash of romance. Oh, and don’t forget to lose your personal inhibitions ladies, you know the ones about the "extra" inch or two you may have. Self confidence goes a long way.

4. 30 Reasons why you love one another. Write each reason on a separate piece of paper. Put them in separate boxes and pull a different one each day, to brighten your day and remind you of your love for each other.

5. Memory lane. Sit down with a glass of your favorite bubbly and take a rummage through your photo albums together and remember the good times.

6. Reading is fundamental. Turn off the TV, computer and phones. Take turns reading poetry or poems to one another.

7. Sundae love. This may sound corny, but order one large sundae or banana split with two spoons and feed one another. It is very sexy and romantic. There is something special about sharing.

8. Plan a weekend getaway during the month. Spend the night in a local hotel for a change of scenery, or stay the entire weekend if you can. Call us to create an atmosphere of ambiance for you to relax, relate, renew and enjoy the sunrise together.

9. Play to win. Play a romantic game of Twister, truth or dare, or "strip Scrabble" with your spouse. Each time a player earns 50 points, he or she must remove a layer of clothing. The person with the most clothing still on at the end wins—then again, there are no losers in this game.

10. Treat yourselves. Hire a masseuse and have his and her professional massages at home.

11. Flower power. Bring a different kind of flower home each day for 30 days. Trust me it is not difficult. There is such a variety of flowers to choose from and your local florist would love to help you.

12. Slow it down. One of my favorite slow jam lyrics provided by the late great Teddy Pendergrass, goes "Turn out the lights, light a candle." Load up your favorite slow song and have a private dance together. Your kitchen, bedroom or living room make the perfect dance floor. You can even surprise your spouse by putting the music on, grab them and begin to take the lead.

13. The power of a love letter. Write a love letter or share something you are really proud of your spouse for. A few ideas you can write about are: an accomplishment, a selfless act of kindness, what you love the most and why. Ladies seal it with a kiss and a dash of his favorite perfume. Guys, a spritz of her favorite cologne will do.

14. A late night stroll. Go for late night walk under the stars and enjoy the breezy night amidst the calmness. Hold hands and stop for long kisses. It’s the little things done with love from the heart that keep you connected and the romance alive

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